Constraints are categorized as follows.


Domain integrity constraints

  • Not null
  • Check


Entity integrity constraints

  • Unique
  • Primary key


Referential integrity constraints

  • Foreign key


Constraints are always attached to a column not a table.

We can add constraints in three ways.


  • Column level — along with the column definition
  • Table level — after the table definition
  • Alter level — using alter command


While adding constraints you need not specify the name but the type only, oracle will internally name the constraint.

If you want to give a name to the constraint, you have to use the constraint clause.



This is used to avoid null values.

We can add this constraint in column level only.

Ex SQL> create table student(no number(2) not null, name varchar(10), marks number(3));

SQL> create table student(no number(2) constraint nn not null, name varchar(10),  marks number(3));



This is used to insert the values based on specified condition.

We can add this constraint in all three levels.

Ex- COLUMN LEVEL SQL> create table student(no number(2) , name varchar(10), marks number(3) check (marks > 300));


SQL> create table student(no number(2) , name varchar(10), marks number(3) constraint ch  check(marks > 300));

Ex- TABLE LEVEL SQL> create table student(no number(2) , name varchar(10), marks number(3), check (marks > 300));


SQL> create table student(no number(2) , name varchar(10), marks number(3),constraint ch check(marks > 300));

Ex- ALTER LEVEL SQL> alter table student add check(marks>300);

SQL> alter table student add constraint ch check(marks>300);




UNIQUEThis is used to avoid duplicates but it allows nulls.

We can add this constraint in all three levels.

Ex- COLUMN LEVEL SQL> create table student(no number(2) unique, name varchar(10), marks number(3));


SQL> create table student(no number(2)  constraint un unique, name varchar(10), marks number(3));

Ex- TABLE LEVEL SQL> create table student(no number(2) , name varchar(10), marks number(3), unique(no));


SQL> create table student(no number(2) , name varchar(10), marks number(3), constraint un unique(no));

Ex- ALTER LEVEL SQL> alter table student add unique(no);

SQL> alter table student add constraint un unique(no);



1     This is used to avoid duplicates and nulls. This will work as combination of unique and not null.

2     Primary key always attached to the parent table.

3     We can add this constraint in all three levels.

Ex- COLUMN LEVEL SQL> create table student(no number(2) primary key, name varchar(10), marks number(3));


SQL> create table student(no number(2)  constraint pk primary key, name varchar(10), marks number(3));

Ex- TABLE LEVEL SQL> create table student(no number(2) , name varchar(10), marks number(3), primary key(no));


SQL> create table student(no number(2) , name varchar(10), marks number(3), constraint pk primary key(no));

Ex- ALTER LEVEL      SQL> alter table student add primary key(no);

SQL> alter table student add constraint pk primary key(no);



1     This is used to reference the parent table primary key column which allows duplicates.

2     Foreign key always attached to the child table.

3     We can add this constraint in table and alter levels only.

Ex- TABLE LEVEL SQL> create table emp(empno number(2), ename varchar(10), deptno number(2), primary key(empno), foreign key(deptno) references dept(deptno));


SQL> create table emp(empno number(2), ename varchar(10), deptno number(2),constraint pk primary key(empno), constraint fk foreign key(deptno) references dept(deptno));

Ex- ALTER LEVEL SQL> alter table emp add foreign key(deptno) references dept(deptno);


SQL> alter table emp add constraint fk foreign key(deptno) references dept(deptno);

Once the primary key and foreign key relationship has been created then you cannot remove any parent record if the dependent childs exist.
