Introduction to Python:

Understand the basics of Python and why it is a powerful programming language. Be able to install Python on your computer.

Variables and Data Types:

Understand how to declare and use variables in Python. Be able to distinguish between different data types.


Understand how to use operators in Python to perform mathematical operations, compare values, and make logical decisions.


Understand how to work with strings in Python. Be able to manipulate strings using string operations.

Control Flow:

Understand how to control the flow of execution in Python. Be able to write programs that use if statements, for loops, while loops, and break/continue statements.


Understand how to define and call functions in Python. Be able to write reusable code by defining functions.


Understand how to import modules in Python. Be able to use modules to extend the functionality of your programs.


Be able to apply the concepts learned in the course to solve real-world problems.